Sticker Mania

Sticker Mania Little one has a sticker addiction 

I Googled addiction and found that she has the following symptoms:
Resentful Attitudes – Angry over not getting the $4.00 Winnie The Pooh sticker pack at the store last night.
Risky Behaviors – Attempting to steal my scrapbook stickers.
Mood Swing – Throwing fits in stores because she can’t have more.

My dislike for stickers is similar to my feelings toward glitter. It just makes a mess and ends up where it doesn’t belong.

After the Barbie car was covered beyond recognition with stickers, I was reminded of an incident that occurred about two years ago.
I was distracted

I was sitting at my desk busily totaling orders for the school pizza fundraiser (this is before I learned to check caller ID and say “no”). With ninja-like stealth, she sneaked past me and found the mother load: an unopened package of 64 stickers. Knowing I was occupied, she set off to work.
Sharing stickers

First, she decorated her wall with a few strategically placed stickers. She must have thought it was beautiful and wanted to share. Decorating continued in the living room, the front hallway, the kitchen, and Sissy’s room. Lucky for her brother, she ran out before getting that far.
The discovery

I was still working when Sissy arrived home and angrily demanded to know why the stickers were on her wall. Was this some sort of joke? I ran to the room to see what all the commotion was about, and I found little one proudly pointing at the result of her creativity. She said one word…”Stickers”.
Oh…you probably would like to know what the stickers looked like, huh?

Cause that would explain why this is funny…

Scroll down.

I don’t want to spoil it for you…

A Sticker 

Sticker Mania

I spent weeks convinced that there was one left…and that visiting company would find it.
