Training for the triathlon

It is 10:00am Friday of the first week back to school. I’m exhausted from training for the triathlon. My muscles are sore and I have a few bruises on my hip. By triathlon I mean getting three kids to three different schools each day. There were only four days this week, so next week is the real deal. I’m not sure I’m ready. I have children in high school, middle school, and preschool.

Day 1

Everyone is excited about school and they all bounce awake. My son is ready EARLY which causes me to ask for his driver’s permit to prove it is him. I’m excited that I will finally get to work for six uninterrupted hours without anyone asking what is for lunch.

I realize that is just a fantasy when the baby doesn’t want to go into her new class today despite the fact all her friends are in there. The tears begin as we approach the school. I feel bad for her and let her stay home. *sucker*

(2 out of 3 kids in school)

Day 2

Determined for the little one to get over her fear of her new class, I spend 5 minutes chasing her in the parking while my embarrassed middle schooler holds all the school supplies and lunch box. I deliver her to the class room kicking and screaming. Ten minutes later, after causing a scene in the class, we are referred to the office. Her teacher from last year loosens the monkey grip and peels her off me. Eventually she calms down and all is good. I drop off the 3rd child and return home to collapse from the workout in the preschool parking lot.

10:00am the phone rings. Child #2 isn’t feeling well and needs to come home.

(2 out of 3 in school)

Day 3

The four year old refuses to get dressed, knowing she can’t go to school in PJs. Child #2 still claims she is sick. I’m too tired from the 5 school supply shopping trips and yesterday’s episode to argue.
(1 out of 3 in school)

Training for the triathlonI uselessly attempt to work while they entertain themselves. This is the result:
  • A – My cup for collecting stray coins was stolen and dumped.
  • B – The beads have been spilled…again…fifth day in a row.
  • C – She changed clothes 3 times during the day.

Not shown:

  • D- The contents of 2 tubs of dress-up clothes/stuffed animals are piled in her room.
  • E – The front room is completely littered in legos.
  • F – The toilet is stopped up for the 6th day in a row due to the little one using an entire roll of paper despite the fact that each day she says she won’t do that again.
  • G – A sink full of dishes.

6:00pm – Dinner is canceled due to 2 people are sleeping and the other two like cereal.
8:00pm – Dinner is back on since they unfortunately woke up demanding something to eat. Pancakes were promptly served.

Day 4 – Today

My high schooler has perfect attendance and gets the award of easiest child this week. I love him!

The little one attempted to avoid school again today. Her thought was that if she didn’t put her shoes on, I couldn’t take her barefoot. Her fatal error was that she fell asleep in clothes. At this point I don’t care that she wore them yesterday. She was promptly delivered to class with her shoes in my hand…again kicking and screaming. I waited five minutes and the office called into the classroom to check on her. She was happily guarding the jellybeans whatever that means. Works for me.

<3 out of 3 kids in school> FINALLY!!

Now that the house is quiet, I’m too exhausted to work. I hope I’m in better shape to handle next week’s workout.

My advice is have your children closer together in age and think hard before having a child in your late 30s when you have less energy. School teachers feel free to use this information to scare your Health Ed. students.